“You’re going to have to get a new liver, if you continue on this path.”
That sentence woke me the hell up. I’m only in my thirties and this doctor is telling me I need a new liver eventually? What? I don’t drink alcohol (gave that up years ago) and I am pretty good at eating healthy (at that point in time, I thought so).
“Why is my liver so bad? Could it be my Endometriosis?”
“Oh no. Absolutely not. Endometriosis only affects the female reproductive organs.”

…And that sentence is what made me start questioning everything doctors tell me and to begin a health journey. Documenting what I’ve found about Endometriosis and how the following affects it: dieting, exercising, medications, natural remedies, mental health practices, and rest.
This particular appointment happened in January of 2021. But let me begin back in 2018 when I was officially diagnosed with Endometriosis. In the Spring of 2018, I met with my sixth gynecologist in the past decade to see if they could help me figure out what was wrong with me. I had been in and out of doctor’s offices with the stupid diagnosis of “bad periods” since I was 18. I didn’t know what was wrong, only that something wasn’t right. From migraines, daily nausea, horrible cramps, irregular periods, irregular bowel movements, unbearable mood swings/PMS, abdominal pain, back pain, neck/shoulder pain, ruptured ovarian cysts, insomnia, weight gain, and fatigue. By the time I turned thirty, I was exhausted.
I met with this new gynecologist in hopes they’d do something. They listened to me about all my ailments and was even surprised that one previous doctor said I had PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) with no blood work or ultrasound documentation. This new doctor wanted to perform a laparoscopy surgery (two small incisions in my abdomen to insert camera to look at my uterus and ovaries) to see if I had Endometriosis.
At that point, I was overwhelmed that someone literally took their time with me to hear my complaints and take me seriously. I also was excited to have a surgery because then I’d know for sure if something was, in fact, wrong.
May of 2018, I had my laparoscopy and the doctor confirmed I had stage three Endometriosis. They kind of tipped toed, at first, about what to do, but I immediately requested a partial hysterectomy. I thought having that surgery would “fix” my problems and I’d be cured. Sadly, that is not true. I did have the partial hysterectomy in October of 2018. They took my uterus and Fallopian tubes. I don’t regret that decision. But I regret not being informed as I am now, three years; still suffering from most of the same symptoms.
It’s been a long three years of discovering what Endometriosis actually is and how it affects the body. But it’s been even longer living more than half of my life knowing something is wrong and not knowing why. I don’t know where you’re at in your journey of life, but I do know you’re here for a reason. I believe at this point, you’re here because, like so many others, the world failed us in some way: incorrect diagnosis, bad prescriptions, or no support system. If you’ve stumbled upon this blog, I hope you find answers and peace if, you too, are suffering. I believe now is the time to end the silence of this debilitating disease Welcome to Endo My Silence: a Personal Blog.